Did you know that 72% of heart diseases can be resolved with early detection?

Your Trusted Cardiologists In Mangalore

Now, you can detect heart issues early with a simple CAC score test.

The CAC (Coronary Artery Calcium) score test is a medical procedure that detects calcium deposits in the arteries around the heart, indicating potential blockages. Calcium deposits, along with other substances like cholesterol and fats, narrow the arteries and increase the risk of heart attacks by restricting blood flow to the heart muscle.

Patient Testimonials

After experiencing unexplained fatigue, I consulted with my physician who recommended a Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) test at Mangalore Heartscan Foundation. The test was quick, painless and provided crucial insights into my heart health. Thanks to the CAC test, I was able to take preventive measures to improve my heart health. I highly recommend this test to anyone looking to proactively manage their heart health
The Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) test at Mangalore Heartscan Foundation was a game-changer for me. It detected early signs of heart disease, allowing me to receive timely treatment and make necessary lifestyle changes. The seamless process and thorough insights from the test gave me peace of mind and empowered me to take control of my heart health.
I cannot stress enough the importance of the Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) test offered at Mangalore Heartscan Foundation. The test not only identified potential risks but also guided me toward appropriate interventions. I am grateful for the valuable information obtained from the CAC test.
Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) test was an important part of my health journey. It gave me a detailed assessment that helped me make informed choices about my heart health. I'm really grateful for the CAC test because it was efficient and accurate, and it played a big role in improving my overall well-being.

What is the Calcium Score Test?

CT Scan Machine at MHF

Calcium scoring is a medical test that checks how likely someone is to have heart problems. It looks for hardened fatty deposits in the heart's arteries. This test uses a special type of X-ray called a Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT) scan. It is also painless as it involves no knives and no needles while being quick and affordable. It may also help overcome congenital heart disease.

The clot in your arteries is like a mixture of different substances, such as cholesterol, calcium and other components in your blood. Doctors check the amount of calcium in your heart's arteries to see how much plaque has built up there.

Research indicates that excessive calcium in the arteries surrounding the heart can increase the likelihood of heart disease, making the CAC test crucial. A CAC score of 0 suggests minimal or no calcium build-up, while a higher score indicates a greater risk of heart problems, such as heart attacks. Therefore, the CAC score serves as a predictive tool for assessing the risk of developing heart disease. Consulting a heart specialist in Mangalore can provide further insights and personalized advice based on your CAC score.

Remember, your heart health is too important to ignore. Act now to ensure a healthier, happier future for yourself and your loved ones. Schedule your CAC test today and take the first step towards a heart-healthy lifestyle.

How Can CAC Score Help You with Your Heart Health?

It accurately assesses the risk of heart attacks and strokes & helps start preventive measures to reduce the risk of heart events.

  • Aids in early detection of heart disease.
  • Accurately assesses heart risk.
  • Helps reduce heart health risks through prevention.
  • Enables personalized treatment plans based on individual risk levels.
  • Encourages lifestyle changes for better heart health based on test results.
  • Assists healthcare providers in making informed medical decisions for their patients.

If you're concerned about your heart health, consider getting a CAC test at the Mangalore Heartscan Foundation. Consulting a heart specialist in Mangalore at the foundation can provide you with detailed insights and personalized recommendations based on your test results. Take the first step towards a healthier heart today.

CT Scan Machine at MHF
CT Scan Machine at MHF .

Why Choose Mangalore Heartscan Foundation for Your CAC Score Test?

Mangalore Heart Foundation is one of the few centers in Coastal Karnataka that effectively serves the CAC Score Test.

At Mangalore Heartscan Foundation, our priority is the heart health and well-being of our patients. Led by Dr. Mukund, our chief cardiologist, we offer a range of accurate heart tests at our state-of-the-art heart care center. The medical professionals designed these tests to diagnose and treat various heart conditions. They include the CAC Score test, echo-cardiograms and stress tests.

Mangalore Heartscan Foundation provides various cardiac care services for outpatients on a comprehensive basis. Our services include preventive cardiac care as well as cardiac rehabilitation.

If you're not sure about your risk of heart disease, the CAC test at Mangalore Heartscan Foundation can help you. It's the best way to make informed decisions about treatment, medications and lifestyle changes.

Importance of CAC Test in Heart Health Management

Mangalore Heart Foundation is one of the few centers in Coastal Karnataka that effectively serves the CAC Score Test.

CT Scan Machine at MHF

  • Diagnosing Heart Conditions: Early detection plays a crucial role in managing heart diseases. The CAC test is indispensable for identifying heart issues such as heart disease, failure, or stroke, especially for those with high blood pressure. It provides vital insights for prompt action and treatment, preventing severe complications. Take charge of your heart health now with the CAC test.
  • Promotes Healthy Lifestyle: Elevated CAC scores signal the need for healthier habits: improve diet, exercise more & quit smoking. Addressing these risks lowers the chance of heart issues, enhancing your well-being.
  • Eliminate Future Risk of Heart Disease: By combining the CAC score with other risk factors, such as those detected through preventive measures and screening tests like blood pressure checks and cholesterol tests, we can accurately predict your future risk of heart disease. This advanced approach goes beyond traditional risk assessment methods, providing you with personalized strategies to prevent heart issues before they arise. Don't leave your heart health to chance! Take proactive steps to safeguard your future by scheduling a CAC test now.

Remember, your heart health is too important to ignore. Act now to ensure a healthier, happier future for yourself and your loved ones. Schedule your CAC test today and take the first step towards a heart-healthy lifestyle.

Who should get a CAC Score test done?

CT Scan Machine at MHF

Age and Gender

  • Women aged 45 or older should get a CAC score as they have an increased risk of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) after menopause. However, the age threshold may vary based on individual risk factors and medical history.
  • Men above 35 years may also consider CAC scoring, especially if they have additional risk factors.

Risk Factors

  • High blood pressure, cholesterol or blood lipids increase CAD risk. Consider CAC scoring for heart health assessment.
  • Smoking tobacco raises CAD risk regardless of age or gender. CAC scoring is advisable for smokers.
  • Overweight or obesity elevates CAD risk. Include CAC scoring in heart risk assessment.
  • Diabetes increases CAD likelihood. CAC scoring provides vital heart health insights for management.
  • Family history of heart disease is another significant risk factor. Individuals with a family history of heart disease should consider CAC scoring for early detection and prevention.

Individualized Assessment

  • It is important to consult a heart specialist doctor to determine if CAC scoring is appropriate. This is also to find out whether any medications or lifestyle changes are necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions about Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) Score

The CAC (Coronary Artery Calcium) score test is a medical procedure that detects calcium deposits in the arteries around the heart, indicating potential blockages.
At Mangalore Heartscan Foundation in Bendoorwell, Mangalore, you can effectively get the CAC score test done.
A high CAC score indicates a greater risk of coronary artery disease. This increases the likelihood of heart attacks and other cardiac events like cardiac arrest.
A low CAC score indicates a lower risk of heart disease. It may suggest a lower chance of experiencing a heart event soon.
People at moderate risk of heart disease should get a heart scan to assess their risk and guide decisions on prevention and treatment.
The CAC score may not capture non-calcified plaque. It may also not capture other types of heart disease. The CAC score may not be suitable for younger individuals.
The frequency of repeating the CAC score depends on individual risk factors and initial results. For those with minor risk, doctors may generally repeat it every 5-10 years.
The CAC test is recommended for individuals aged 35 and above, especially those with risk factors like smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or obesity.
Lifestyle changes and medications have been proven to be effective in slowing down the risk of heart attacks. However, it is important to note that the coronary artery calcium (CAC) score typically does not decrease or reverse as a result of these interventions. Despite this, it's important to know that the CAC score doesn't directly affect the symptoms of a heart attack. So, while lifestyle changes and medications can help lower the risk of heart attacks, they may not directly impact the CAC score or the symptoms of a heart attack or cardiac arrest.

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